Online print company Solopress has launched its new API for print procurement at The Print Show 2023 after taking on board feedback from visitors at the 2022 show.

Soloflo is described as “groundbreaking API designed to vastly improve third-party print procurement processes.

Through using Soloflo, businesses that sell print produced by Solopress can easily channel orders straight from their customer into the Solopress workflow, enhancing accuracy and efficiency.

When developing the new offering, Solopress has focused on providing a truly user-friendly solution with resellers of Solopress traditionally having to manually transcribe customer orders onto the Solopress platform or liaising with account managers.

Soloflo removes the need for manual order inputs and Simon Cooper, managing director of the company comments: “In the print industry, where timing, accuracy, and efficiency are critical, Soloflo will be a game-changer. We’ve designed it with our customers in mind, especially those who resell printed materials. It makes their ordering process much more straightforward and less prone to errors.

“System updates and changing SKUs have been a common frustration with other print APIs. Soloflo alleviates this issue with a user-friendly, easy-to-maintain system that integrates whatever SKUs the customer already uses. And importantly, we commit to automating updates and providing advance warnings of any price changes.”

After recognising a demand for a bespoke API at The Print Show 2022, Solopress has risen to the occasion and is now launching the new offering at The Print Show 2023.

Solopress can be found on Stand D20.

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